Wednesday, May 18, 2011

First. Post. Ever

What can I say, but HELLO!

I feel a little strange, knowing I'm writing this post to no one. World, meet my blog. Hopefully we will have a long, happy life together. I know lots of adventures are in store.

Well, let me tell you all, invisible audience, about myself! I'm a college student -- I'll start my sophomore year at the University of Wisconsin, Madison this fall -- and a self-proclaimed health nut. Though, it has not always been this way! To read more about my journey with food, check out the Life Story tab up there.

I LOVE food. And Photography. And Writing. It might seem logical, then, that creating this blog has been a goal.. erm, obsession.. of mine for a while now. Instead of dwelling on the "what if it's not good enough"s, I decided just to go for it. And here I am. Writing my first post. It's a little lame, I know, but I am more than excited to begin. I'm excited to meet you all out there and get to know your stories, your philosophies and your recipes ;) and I'm excited to share with all of you mine.

I suppose there is no where to move but forward, and that's just the direction I'm heading. Let's do this!

Beautiful tulips blooming in our front yard