Thursday, May 19, 2011

Simple Gifts

Well, today has been interesting so far! I woke up around 7:30 (still working on the whole sleeping in thing. It's hard to ween my body away from my school schedule!) and made myself a bowl of Kashi goLean cereal heaping with banana, blueberry and blackberries. Sprinkled some ground flaxseed and poured unsweetened almond milk on top and munched until it was gone. So good! Keeps me full for so long and gives me lots of energy for my morning jog around the neighborhood. I'm getting used to all this free time summer is giving me :)

When I got back from my run (about 40 minutes) I methodically grabbed a clean glass from the cupboard and went to the refrigerator tap for some water. Nothing. Weird, I thought, but I decided there was probably just something wrong with the refrigerator. I tried the filtered sink faucet next, though, and still no water came out. Tried the tap -- nothing. Turns out a pipe blew down the street this morning and the city is working to fix it but they have no idea how long it will take. Good thing I didn't have any important plans today because it's looking like I'm going to be a stinky, salty mess for a while longer! Lovely.

For lunch today I pulled out the leftover dill-cucumber salad from dinner last night and decided to make a wrap. It turned out to be really yummy! Here's what I put inside:

- Ezekiel tortilla, warmed
- About 5 grape tomatoes, sliced half-wise
- Small handful of red grapes, sliced half-wise
- T. garlic hummus
- Dill-cucumber salad
- Sprinkle of feta

The grapes were a last-minute decision but they really made the wrap, I think! Their sweetness balanced nicely with the pickley flavor of the cucumbers and the saltiness of the hummus. Eaten with a bunch of baby carrots and a few unsalted tortilla chips and salsa, this lunch de-lish-us.

I am in love with these tortillas -- I have to give the brand a mention. Food For Life makes these tortillas and more that are made with sprouted grain instead of flour. The recipe for their products was inspired by the Bible verse, Ezekiel 4:9 "Take also unto thee Wheat and Barley and Beans and Lentils and Millet and Spelt and put them in one vessel and make bread of it." So cool! The ingredients list all organic, whole grains, and they are sprouted, a process by which enzymes releases lots of great nutrients from inside the grain and help us digest them once we eat. I'm in love with the concept. The only downfall, I suppose, is unless you warm them quite a bit, they aren't very flexible and tend to tear. But these are just too healthy to pass up. Love it!