Monday, May 30, 2011

Long, Amazing Weekend

I'm back! My long weekend was spent happily in Milwaukee and Kenosha Wisconsin visiting Nick and the family. So much excitement was packed in to this weekend and now I'm pretty much exhausted! Here's a little recap :)

Friday we left Minnesota bright and early at 5:00 am. I had a small bowl of Kashi Autumn Wheat with banana and almond milk before the car ride and we stopped for breakfast around 9:00. My family ate at McDonalds, but I munched on a Luna bar and apple that I packed, and walked over to a Kwik Trip to snag some berries and coffee. Nick and I went out to a yummy little wrap place for lunch and I got a veggie hummus wrap that was absolutely tasty. The rest of the day was spent at the Botanical Gardens, getting ice cream (mint chocolate chip!), watching The Roommate (I do not recommend this one, hah) and going to the Brewers' Game (lots of fun even though they lost)! Definitely a fun fun Friday ;)

Beautiful Botanical Gardens

Nick & I :)

Fountain Shot

Gorgeous Lilac Blossoms
Saturday was spent venturing to downtown Milwaukee. We stopped for lunch at Alterra, this really cool coffee shop that I'm basically obsessed with now. It took me forever to decide what I wanted to eat because EVERYTHING sounded delicious. I ended up getting the Roasted Red Pepper and Brie Melt and Iced Tea. Next we met up with our friends to go on a cute (or as cute as we silly geese were able to make it) double date to the Art Museum and Water Street Brewery for dinner. I didn't take a picture of what I got at the restaurant, but it was a delicious warm, vegetarian pasta salad served a top lots of fresh spinach. Just the way I would have made it!

My yummy melt from Alterra 
Iced Tropical Crimson Tea

Milwaukee Lakefront

Obligatory Selfy

Milwaukee Art Museum

I love the simplicity of art museums

Emma and Jacob, our friends who went on the date with us! :)
Sunday was spent with my dad's side of the family in Kenosha. My cousin, mom, grandma and aunt went to my cousin's high school to see its production of Les Mis Sunday afternoon which was perfect because it was a stormy, rainy day. I let go a bit with my eating and decided to not be high-maintenance and go with the flow. I ended up eating more greasy food (read: fried chicken sandwich, fries, potato salad, pizza) than I would have cared to but I didn't dwell on it. I enjoyed it laughing with my family and I went to bed and woke up happy. I know that it was a once-in-a-long-while type of thing so I'm not stressin' :)

I should be back to normal bloggin' soon. I've got some recipes brewing in my head that I'm dying to try.

How did you spend your long weekend?