Sorry for the lack of postage, too, bloggies. As I get more used to this schedule (which I will, soon, nannying every single day except Fridays) I'll figure out my posting/photoing schedule. I just really haven't been eating anything too inspiring lately! I did make a mean bowl of oats this morning, though and those pictures will be up sometime soon.
In the meantime, I found this little survey on both Samantha's and Gabriela's blogs and decided I really felt like doing it! Here we go.
A is for Apple: What's your favorite variety?
Definitely Honey Crisp when they are in season. But all year round I love Pink Lady apples. I love any apple that's crispy and juicy and I like to eat them cold from the refrigerator :)
B is for Bread: Regardless of nutrition, what is your favorite type?
Homemade, hearty, nutty, whole grain bread fresh from the oven. Nothing is better in my book.
C is for Cereal: What is your favorite kind currently? (just one!)
Quaker Oatmeal Squares! They are so addicting to me I made myself stop buying them because I'd find myself sneaking handfuls after I would have a full bowl of cereal. So guilty!
D is for Donuts: You might not currently eat them, but what kind do you fancy?
I'm not much of a donut person, really. Cinnamon rolls are a different story.
E is for Eggs: How would you like yours prepared?
Omelet please! Load up the veggies, sprinkle a bit of goat cheese on top --> heaven.
F is for Fat Free: What is your favorite fat free product?
Produce, for sure. Fruits and vegetables err'y day.
G is for Groceries: Where do you purchase yours?
Mostly Cub Foods because it's close and cheap most of the time. I love shopping at Lakewinds, my local health food co-op, but it can get expensive and the selection isn't very broad. We don't really have a Whole Foods nearby (tear) but, Lunds and Byerlies in MN have a great selection, though their food is kind of expensive, but it's a European style grocery store (carpeted floors!) so shopping there is a lot of fun.
H is for Hot Beverages: What is your favorite hot drink?
TEA! I am a tea addict in the winter.
I is for Ice Cream: Pick a favorite flavor and add a fun topping.
Mocha + Fresh Raspberries
J is for Jams or Jellies: Do you eat them? If so, what kind and flavor?
I don't really eat jam or jelly too often because I much prefer fresh fruit. But I do love my grandma's blackberry and strawberry preserves on an english muffin every now and then!
K is for Kashi: Name your favorite Kashi product.
I love Kashi!! So tough to choose one favorite product. I guess the one that I find most unique and delicious is the Caribbean Carnival frozen pizza. Plantains on a frozen pizza? awesome!
L is for Lunch: What was yours today?
Really crappy, actually. I was nannying and took the girls to Jimmy Johns after their swimming lessons as per their mom's request. Alli ended up eating none of her salami sub and I didn't want to waste their mom's money, so I picked out the meat and ate the bread and cheese. (What?) I got home and had an orange and an apple to compensate for the really lame sandwich. Not too proud of this one.
M is for Microwave: What is your favorite microwaveable meal/snack?
Kashi Black Bean Mango frozen Entree. I had this for dinner so often when I worked night shifts during high school.
N is for Nutrients: Do you like carbs, fats, or proteins best?
Carbs, no question. Bread, fruits, and vegetables? Yeah!
O is for Oil: What kind do you like to use?
EVOO baby :) Canola for baking.
P is for Protein: How do you get yours?
Fish and seafood, nuts and beans. I'm going to begin eating a lot more tofu, too.
Q is for Quaker: How do you like your oats?
Warm and "al dente". Not a fan of mushy oats. I love adding fresh berries, cinnamon, vanilla, banana, raisins, and nut butter (all together or a la carte)
R is for Roasting: What is your favorite thing to roast?
Root Vegetables!
S is for Sandwich: What is your favorite kind?
Either peanut butter and banana or good old fashioned tuna salad with romaine lettuce and tomato.
T is for Travel: How do you handle eating while traveling?
I try to stick to my normal routine, but eating out tends to be a struggle, anyways. I try to to stress about eating more than usual or eating things I normally wouldn't, because I like my vacations to be relaxing and an escape from worry. I like to sample local specialties and embrace the unique flavors of the place I'm visiting.
U is for Unique: What is your weirdest food combo?
Potatoes and ranch dressing. So good.
V is for Vitamins: What kind do you take?
I've been trying to stick to a vitamin D supplement, but take it so rarely I feel like I'm lying.
W is for Wasabi: Yay or nay?
Nay. It's so hot you can't locate any other flavors.
X is for X RAY: If we x rayed your belly right now, what would we see?
Carrots and ranch and an orange juice + sparkling water drink. I really don't eat ranch that often, you guys, I promise.
Y is for Youth: What food reminds you of your childhood?
Tator tots, apple juice, poptarts, fruit by the foot, push-ups, freezie-pops, chewy bars, casserole of any kind, gogurt, frozen waffles, life cereal, fish sticks, etc.
Z is for Zucchini: How do you prepare it?
Grilled or sauteed. Nomnomnom.
Grilled or sauteed. Nomnomnom.