Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Easy as ABC (Foodie Style)

Ah! I'm so struggling to get used to this new schedule I have. I nanny from 8:15-noon so I'm no longer able to fit my comfortable 9:30 morning run in anymore. I find myself either too busy or too tired by the evening to get out and run, and find the mid-day heat to be too exhausting. I think I'm going to have to start getting up really early to get my run in, or else get used to running in the late afternoon. Struggles.
Sorry for the lack of postage, too, bloggies. As I get more used to this schedule (which I will, soon, nannying every single day except Fridays) I'll figure out my posting/photoing schedule. I just really haven't been eating anything too inspiring lately! I did make a mean bowl of oats this morning, though and those pictures will be up sometime soon. 

In the meantime, I found this little survey on both Samantha's and Gabriela's blogs and decided I really felt like doing it! Here we go.


A is for Apple: What's your favorite variety?
Definitely Honey Crisp when they are in season. But all year round I love Pink Lady apples. I love any apple that's crispy and juicy and I like to eat them cold from the refrigerator :)

B is for Bread: Regardless of nutrition, what is your favorite type?
Homemade, hearty, nutty, whole grain bread fresh from the oven. Nothing is better in my book.

C is for Cereal: What is your favorite kind currently? (just one!)
Quaker Oatmeal Squares! They are so addicting to me I made myself stop buying them because I'd find myself sneaking handfuls after I would have a full bowl of cereal. So guilty!

D is for Donuts: You might not currently eat them, but what kind do you fancy?
I'm not much of a donut person, really. Cinnamon rolls are a different story.

E is for Eggs: How would you like yours prepared?
Omelet please! Load up the veggies, sprinkle a bit of goat cheese on top --> heaven.

F is for Fat Free: What is your favorite fat free product?
Produce, for sure. Fruits and vegetables err'y day.

G is for Groceries: Where do you purchase yours?
Mostly Cub Foods because it's close and cheap most of the time. I love shopping at Lakewinds, my local health food co-op, but it can get expensive and the selection isn't very broad. We don't really have a Whole Foods nearby (tear) but, Lunds and Byerlies in MN have a great selection, though their food is kind of expensive, but it's a European style grocery store (carpeted floors!) so shopping there is a lot of fun.

H is for Hot Beverages: What is your favorite hot drink?
TEA! I am a tea addict in the winter.

I is for Ice Cream: Pick a favorite flavor and add a fun topping.
Mocha + Fresh Raspberries

J is for Jams or Jellies: Do you eat them? If so, what kind and flavor?
I don't really eat jam or jelly too often because I much prefer fresh fruit. But I do love my grandma's blackberry and strawberry preserves on an english muffin every now and then!

K is for Kashi: Name your favorite Kashi product.
I love Kashi!! So tough to choose one favorite product. I guess the one that I find most unique and delicious is the Caribbean Carnival frozen pizza. Plantains on a frozen pizza? awesome!

L is for Lunch: What was yours today?
Really crappy, actually. I was nannying and took the girls to Jimmy Johns after their swimming lessons as per their mom's request. Alli ended up eating none of her salami sub and I didn't want to waste their mom's money, so I picked out the meat and ate the bread and cheese. (What?) I got home and had an orange and an apple to compensate for the really lame sandwich. Not too proud of this one.

M is for Microwave: What is your favorite microwaveable meal/snack?
Kashi Black Bean Mango frozen Entree. I had this for dinner so often when I worked night shifts during high school.

N is for Nutrients: Do you like carbs, fats, or proteins best?
Carbs, no question. Bread, fruits, and vegetables? Yeah!

O is for Oil: What kind do you like to use?
EVOO baby :) Canola for baking.

P is for Protein: How do you get yours?
Fish and seafood, nuts and beans. I'm going to begin eating a lot more tofu, too.

Q is for Quaker: How do you like your oats?
Warm and "al dente". Not a fan of mushy oats. I love adding fresh berries, cinnamon, vanilla, banana, raisins, and nut butter (all together or a la carte)

R is for Roasting: What is your favorite thing to roast?
Root Vegetables!

S is for Sandwich: What is your favorite kind?
Either peanut butter and banana or good old fashioned tuna salad with romaine lettuce and tomato.

T is for Travel: How do you handle eating while traveling?
I try to stick to my normal routine, but eating out tends to be a struggle, anyways. I try to to stress about eating more than usual or eating things I normally wouldn't, because I like my vacations to be relaxing and an escape from worry. I like to sample local specialties and embrace the unique flavors of the place I'm visiting.

U is for Unique: What is your weirdest food combo?
Potatoes and ranch dressing. So good.

V is for Vitamins: What kind do you take?
I've been trying to stick to a vitamin D supplement, but take it so rarely I feel like I'm lying.

W is for Wasabi: Yay or nay?
Nay. It's so hot you can't locate any other flavors.

X is for X RAY: If we x rayed your belly right now, what would we see?
Carrots and ranch and an orange juice + sparkling water drink. I really don't eat ranch that often, you guys, I promise.

Y is for Youth: What food reminds you of your childhood?
Tator tots, apple juice, poptarts, fruit by the foot, push-ups, freezie-pops, chewy bars, casserole of any kind, gogurt, frozen waffles, life cereal, fish sticks, etc.

Z is for Zucchini: How do you prepare it?
Grilled or sauteed. Nomnomnom.