Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day Recap

So yesterday was a pretty special fathers day because I got to spend the day with JUST my dad! My mom had to take a surprise trip up to her hometown and my brother left for 3 weeks to be a CIT at a camp in Northern Minnesota. Normally, we celebrate mom's and dad's day with breakfast in bed and an activity of their choice, but since my dad had to get up early to drive my brother to the camp bus, breakfast in bed wasn't really an option.

Daddy Daughter Date Night, 1997 :)
After a relaxing morning of reading the newspaper and sipping coffee, we decided to bike to lunch! Taking the lakeside trail it took us about 35 minutes to travel 7 and a half miles to the restaurant. We both ordered salads -- mine, a greek salad with grilled shrimp and his a cobb salad with blue cheese dressing -- and gobbled them up. So yummy! We were lucky enough to have a coupon for BOGO meals if we each ordered drinks, so I had a 1/2 OJ with mineral water and he had an Arnie Palmer (1/2 lemonade, 1/2 tea). Super refreshing. After we got back from the restaurant on our bikes we decided salads were a good idea. We didn't feel sluggish, actually felt energized after our meal -- super rare after visiting a restaurant.

We just lounged after lunch and watched a bit of the U.S. Open (Rory McElroy anyone? ;) ) before church. After we got back from church dinner was up to ourselves! I was feeling an open-faced sandwich and a green monster, so that's what I made!

Berrylicious Green Monster!
- big handful of spinach
- sliced banana
- 1/2 cup frozen berries
- 2 T. ground flax
- 1 C. almond milk
- ice to thicken

Open-faced Spinach, Hummus, Mashed Avocado and Grape Tomato sandwich on Sprouted Wheat bread with a sprinkle of feta on top.

First fruit-ice cream bowl of the summer! Vanilla ice cream with a sliced peach, cinnamon and whipped cream.

Dad got creative with his dinner, too (and a little wild with portion sizes... what else is new?) Avocado, tomato, spinach and bell pepper with swiss melted on top. He had the other half of my smoothie, too. :)

How did you celebrate Fathers' Day with your dad?