Good morning!
I woke up this morning craving cinnamon and decided to put my craving to the test. Oats experiment? Yep! And it turned out wonderfully! I think this is going to become my staple rolled oats/oatbran method. They turned out so creamy but not mushy and had the perfect amount of sweetness. I can tell that if I had almond milk, they would have been even better. This would definitely be a great autumn oats recipe.
Apple Cinnamon Oats
- just under 1/4 cup Rolled Oats + just under 1/4 cup Oat Bran
- 1 cup water
- 1 T. Cinnamon
- 1 T. Chia seeds
- 1/4 cup applesauce (added once oats have thickened)
- 1 T. milk (to add after oats have thickened)
- 1 T. melted almond butter (microwaved with 1 T. milk for 45 seconds and stirred)
- 1/2 diced apple
- more cinnamon, to taste
- handful of cinnamon pecan cereal (or similar cereal)
Yep. These oats have NO banana (so surprising!) even though I contemplated adding it in. I decided to stick with the main two flavors I was hoping to achieve and I didn't miss the nanner at all. (Now I get to have one with my lunch, hopefully!)
Now the day has started and I get to help my parents with the garage sale until 10 when I nanny. I still don't know how long I'll be nannying, but I'm definitely NEEDING to get a work out in today. I feel like I haven't sweat in ages. Later tonight the girls and I are re-doing our movie night that was a complete fail last wednesday
What is your favorite oats flavor combo?
Do you like your oats creamy or chewy?