Friday again! I feel like this summer is already flying by. Sometimes, even though the days seem to move by at a slow pace, I wish the months would pass more slowly. Maybe it's because our weather has been less than extraordinary so far (one or two sunny days in the past week, tops), but I feel like I still haven't taken full advantage of my summer yet! I do have a few things I hope to accomplish this summer. Let's see if i can?
Gorgeous (HUGE) Hosta leaves at the Botanical Gardens |
1. Run a 5k. I know I can do this, but the idea of a race intimidates me. Especially because I know I'd be running it by myself. I still have to sign up for one -- there are a few I've been eyeing -- I'm just so new to the world of running I feel like I need someone's hand to hold through the whole process. Gotta get over this mentality!
2. Begin practicing yoga again. I stopped doing yoga during college when I hardly found time to make it to the gym. When I did get my fitness on, it was usually in the form of some 30-40 minute session on a cardio machine. Whether I get a yoga DVD or sign up for a 3-month pass to a yoga place, I really want to get back into the stretchy groove.
3. Get stronger and leaner (i.e., strength train). Strength training intimidates me. I know that I love how I feel after a session, and I understand how wonderful strength training is for your body, but ever since I withdrew my gym membership, I've found it hard to be happy with an at-home routine. My mission this summer is to find a set of at-home strength moves that will help me get leaner and feel stronger.
4. Create the perfect muffin. It's no secret that I have a love affair with baked goods (muffins, scones, breads, YUM), but I've prohibited myself from enjoying them for so long. This summer I want to come up with my very own perfect muffin recipe that I can carry with me for the rest of my life. I want it to be big, hearty, healthy, and flavorful. That is the mission.
5. Improve my photography. I'm signed up to take a summer photography class at MCAD (Minneapolis College of Art and Design) that focuses on portrait photography. Photography is an art that I've always loved and been passionate about, and now that I finally have a great camera I want to develop my skill further. Photographing people is something that I've never felt confident about, but something that I see as a great asset. Photographs make wonderful memories come to life and photographs of people are some of the most moving images to create. I'm so excited about this class and I hope the things I learn from it can translate to better pictures on this blog :)
I drove a good half hour yesterday to go grocery shopping at whole foods. Dedication? Maybe. Indulgence? Definitely. I ended up spending wayyy to much but that's just because I am horrible at sticking to lists and such a sucker for trying new things. I got lots of yummy new produce (most of it was the sale stuff, woo!), a bulk cereal that sounds really cool (flax, quinoa, aramanth, and corn flakes), $1 limade (whatup!) and a new blackberry pomegranate jam that was on sale I have yet to try. Plus other unpictured randoms that I picked up -- including my first ever Larabar!
Breakfast this morning started with half of a mondo red grapefruit from Whole Foods. This baby was HUGE. And actually kind of sour. It definitely woke up my taste buds.
Followed it up with a cereal experiment inspired by Gabriela. I mixed a serving of my new Mesa Sunrise cereal (see grocery picture) with a teaspoon of drippy, organic peanut butter and half a scoop of vanilla protein powder. Had to use my hands with this one as the pb liked to stick to the spoon. I topped this funky mix with some fresh raspberries, a banana and a teaspoon of ground flaxseed and poured almond milk in to mix everything together. It was tasty and super filling! Filling is definitely something I strive for with breakfasts since I'm usually ravenous in the morning. I'll definitely be making this one again (and hopefully I'll remember to snap a pic!)
After breakfast I took a nap. I was so tired from a week of getting slacky sleep and being on the go, but my body still wanted to wake up this morning at 7:30. I slept again from about 8:30 - 9:40 and decided to get my booty moving, somehow. I definitely wasn't up for running, but I knew I wanted to get some fresh air on my day off. I decided to go on a super long walk (6 miles) and ended up doing a few 30-second running spurts every now and then. It was so humid that I had no trouble getting my sweat on.
I craved something fresh and cool for lunch so I started with the second half of my breakfast grapefruit and then threw together a bunch of stuff hanging out in my fridge and called it a salad. It ended up being actually really yummy and super refreshing.
Atop this bowl of awesome (spinach) was sliced strawberries and cucumber, leftover cooked corn, cottage cheese and a drizzle of french dressing.
For dessert/snack I tried the limade (verdict: tart and summery. I like) and my first larabar ever. It was the cherry pie flavor and definitely hit the spot. I loved how soft and bursting with cherry flavor it was! After trying this one, I'm super excited to make Allison's homemade recipes. You should check them out, too!
Alright, after this monsterous post, I'm going to sit out on my porch, skype with the boy, drink a tall glass of iced tea and get some reading done. My parents are going to our family friends' grad party tonight and I still haven't decided if I want to go or not. Playing it by ear, I suppose! I love Fridays.
What are some of your summer goals? Do you think you can achieve them?